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Jr.Gent in Home Grown Acrylic


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name
That is a really stunning pen Peter and the Photograph looks superb. God is this the standard of photos I have got to get up to ?


Thanks Vic, but the standard of photography for your pens you should be aiming for is that of Jim and Terry. They have much better lighting on their pens than I do, but I only use 1 small hammerhead flash to light mine and I am far too lazy to change my set up, which I can pull out and set up in about 30 seconds. Whatever Jim and Terry do, you could do a lot worse than do the same.



Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
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I have 3 different bases I use depending on the consistency I want.

Probably the one I use most is

600ml Whipping cream brought to a simmer
2-4 eggs and a cup of sugar beaten together
whisk while pouring in the simmering cream
add ingredients ie chocolate or liquorice or vanilla etc
a pinch of salt (not always)
put back on heat, constantly stirring until it start to thicken
then cool pan in cold water still stirring so it doesn't curdle
when coolish add 600ml of double cream and put in the ice cream maker

You don't need an ice cream maker although it is easier with one. If you don't have one just put it in the freezer for an hour and then with a fork swirl it all around and keep doing the same every hour until it is set. The faster it can freeze the less ice crystals will be in it.


Vic Perrin

Executive Member
Feb 23, 2014
Rugeley Staffs
First Name
I have 3 different bases I use depending on the consistency I want.

Probably the one I use most is

600ml Whipping cream
brought to a simmer
2-4 eggs and a cup of sugar beaten together
whisk while pouring in the simmering cream
add ingredients ie chocolate or liquorice or vanilla etc
a pinch of salt (not always)
put back on heat, constantly stirring until it start to thicken
then cool pan in cold water still stirring so it doesn't curdle
when coolish add 600ml of double cream and put in the ice cream maker

You don't need an ice cream maker although it is easier with one. If you don't have one just put it in the freezer for an hour and then with a fork swirl it all around and keep doing the same every hour until it is set. The faster it can freeze the less ice crystals will be in it.


Peter as a matter of interest how many blanks would you normally expect from a batch that size.

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