Thanks for posting
Just skimmed through it but will re-read in detail. Always interesting to read reviews.
Just skimmed through it but will re-read in detail. Always interesting to read reviews.
Thank you very much for taking the time and trouble to do this review Eamonn, it is much appreciated by me if nobody else.
I largely agree with you findings, certainly in as much as the vast difference between the best and worst quality.
It has not changed my mind, I didn't expect it would but hope it goes a long way to demonstrate what I have been moaning about for so long.
And educates members into making an informed purchase and not wasting money on substandard kits.
2, Jim the review page doesn't work from your link.
I think the review page was dropped Peter due to lack of information and use of the information. Maybe wrong, I have been know to be wrong just the once..