Thw JR Gent kit as supplied by TB is the same kit from the same manufacturer as that supplied by PenkitsUK, and Fun e turnz (the first I am sure of, the second 99%). They are made in Fuchan province, China. The manufacturer has had significant problems with the threads, they admit so much in their catalogues by stating that some of the JR kits have "improved centre bands", a point supported by David now supplying the centre bands as spares, why should he do this?? Because they keep breaking.
Regardless of the price that you pay, the reality is that you should get a functional pen. If you pay peanuts, then you should expect monkeys, but the monkeys should be alive and well and capable of doing what monkeys do.
Remember the dead parrot?
I was, with three others, as representatives of the Hertfordshire Area of the Round Table organsisation, taken to court by the Rank Organisation because of a dispute that ultimately, but incorrectly as the presiding Judge later ruled, led to a charge of non payment, or doing a runner over the cost of a meal. The meal however was for 126 people at their illustrious Butlins internment camps. It was a long story but the shortfallings of the meal had caused me to renegotiate the cost of the meal on the night and the contract was technically amended and completed. However the duty manager reneged on the deal and ripped up the card slip, tough said the judge!!
However the point is, we were asked by the judge to describe the meal we had been supplied with, and one contentious issue was the ability of most to take their digestive biscuit for cheese, without the cheese, and fold it in half without it breaking, it was so soft. The Judge actually commented, "well what did you expect from Butlins", to which I pointed out that our expectation was not that of a cordon bleu meal, but an edible, yet basic meal, to which his response was, "Fair enough, I see your point"
And thats my point, it might be cheap, but it should still be capable of doing what it was designed to do and for a reasonable period of time, if it cant, they shouldnt sell it, its actually against our laws under the sale of goods act.