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JR Gents Quality issue,


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
I suspect that the quality of the Jr Gent kit was what prompted David to get the Baron into his lineup. A bit more costly but an altogether better kit. As Peter says a lot of people view the kit as a cheap source of a nib, feed and housing for kit less work. I also heartily agree that you don't get nothing for nothing, and you get very little for sixpence! Sorry Grump ...



Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
[QUOTEand you get very little for sixpence! Sorry Grump ...][/QUOTE]
Don't be sorry David it's what makes for healthy debate I agree you get very little for sixpence and that I can live with but we were talking fourpence and getting the same.
Is that a bargain or are we still being ripped off at sixpence is my point so thanks for bringing it notice and agreeing with me no need to be sorry at all init?


Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
I suspect that the quality of the Jr Gent kit was what prompted David to get the Baron into his lineup. A bit more costly but an altogether better kit. As Peter says a lot of people view the kit as a cheap source of a nib, feed and housing for kit less work. I also heartily agree that you don't get nothing for nothing, and you get very little for sixpence! Sorry Grump ...

In actual fact David T/B were selling the baron Mk 1 & 2 kits before the Jn gents I cant say anything about the quality of the J/G kit as I haven't bought any for over a year but I do know for a fact that David will sort out any issues you have with his kits if you tell him what the problem is


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
Personally speaking and it is only my opinion all kits are crap init?
How many times have we had issues with manufacturers and their quality?
How many times have they used inferior tubes that oval at the ends or have burrs or expand too much and split the blank?
How many times have the nib holes been blocked or wrong size stopping the refill from performing?
How often do you have to glue the finial in because the tube is too big?
It's easy to say check the kit before assembly but how much of it do you check, why should you have to?
Regardless of cost where is the "quality control" and "fit for purpose" in these kits that are sold to us.
Not only the jnr Gent but all kits.
No matter how good the supplier is and what issues they are prepared to correct, they can only sell what they are sold in the first instance.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
[QUOTEand you get very little for sixpence! Sorry Grump ...]
Don't be sorry David it's what makes for healthy debate I agree you get very little for sixpence and that I can live with but we were talking fourpence and getting the same.
Is that a bargain or are we still being ripped off at sixpence is my point so thanks for bringing it notice and agreeing with me no need to be sorry at all init?[/QUOTE]

Just before I married my next door wise old neighbor said son when you marry a threepeny pie will cost you sixpence food for thought and I never forgot it even when it cost me two bob with the six kids.



Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
son when you marry a threepeny pie will cost you sixpence food for thought and I never forgot it even when it cost me two bob with the six kids.


I rest my case Milud :wink::wink::wink::wink:


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
My solution would be to manufacture the kits in England and if I had found this hobby when a younger man I may have ventured down that road but that is not going to happen.
There is no manufacture in this country any more we are a nation of call centers or carers but that is a different issue.

Brian, just do the math and it is easy to see why. I make my own 'kits' for so-called kitless work. My labour is not the most expensive out there, but I budget to make £40 for every hour I work. (This is the result of a tedious but relatively simple calculation which boils down to acknowledging that you only get paid for about one hour in five, so your hourly rate needs to reflect the unpaid hours.) To make up the components takes me about 1.5 hours, so if I sold them I would be needing to ask £60 just to cover my costs! BUT there's no point doing it if it's not profitable, so I'd need to add a profit margin to that. Any takers keen to buy my 'kits'? Nah, didn't think so.

Why is my labour so much more costly than that of my Chinese counterpart? Simples - I live a much more pampered life. My first world house, first world car, first world education for my kids, first world road system, first world television channels etc etc etc make it essential that I demand higher rate for my time. Would I want to swap places with Xhiang Li? Nope ...

So let's face it, manufacturing has departed the shores of the First World and it won't be coming back before the collapse of this civilisation - and we actually wouldn't want it any other way. If you disagree with me ask yourself this: If Xhiang Li had a clip fall off his Junior Gent would he be ranting about an 'expectation of fitness for purpose'? If his cheese biscuit was soggy would he expect a judge to renegotiate his contract with the restaurant? Nope - those are luxuries reserved for us pampered non-manufacturing first worlders.

I'll stop now ...


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
Brian, just do the math and it is easy to see why. I make my own 'kits' for so-called kitless work. My labour is not the most expensive out there, but I budget to make £40 for every hour I work. (This is the result of a tedious but relatively simple calculation which boils down to acknowledging that you only get paid for about one hour in five, so your hourly rate needs to reflect the unpaid hours.) To make up the components takes me about 1.5 hours, so if I sold them I would be needing to ask £60 just to cover my costs! BUT there's no point doing it if it's not profitable, so I'd need to add a profit margin to that. Any takers keen to buy my 'kits'? Nah, didn't think so.

Why is my labour so much more costly than that of my Chinese counterpart? Simples - I live a much more pampered life. My first world house, first world car, first world education for my kids, first world road system, first world television channels etc etc etc make it essential that I demand higher rate for my time. Would I want to swap places with Xhiang Li? Nope ...

So let's face it, manufacturing has departed the shores of the First World and it won't be coming back before the collapse of this civilisation - and we actually wouldn't want it any other way. If you disagree with me ask yourself this: If Xhiang Li had a clip fall off his Junior Gent would he be ranting about an 'expectation of fitness for purpose'? If his cheese biscuit was soggy would he expect a judge to renegotiate his contract with the restaurant? Nope - those are luxuries reserved for us pampered non-manufacturing first worlders.

I'll stop now ...

HHHMMM touched a button here David have I?
And your point is?
Don't stop please continue, I think I love you init?


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Looking forward, side to side taking the first step today is my opportunity to bring happiness wherever look forward taken the first step. Visit now at 9.00 am to the fang farrier she is gorgeous so lovely and polite thinking of putting to rest the busted clip while I consider the future with sutures for a while.



Oct 8, 2013
"You may not like the way i live my life !
but it is my choice and my life !
so if you are going to point your finger at me my friend ,
you had better make sure your hands are clean !!!!!!!!!!
I may be on a different path to you but it does not mean I am lost" :devil::devil:
(Hendrix, Ghandi et al 1969 )
John 2014


Dec 17, 2013
First Name
Visit now at 9.00 am to the fang farrier she is gorgeous so lovely and polite thinking of putting to rest the busted clip while I consider the future with sutures for a while.

Can you translate that for me please - didn't understand a word of it.:nooidea:

Best I could come up with is that you have a gorgeous young lady? dentist who's going to stitch up your gums whilst you contemplate your navel.:whistling:

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