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Just thought I'd share some pics of my new pen display box


Graduate Member
Oct 31, 2014
First Name
Nice work Paul like the finger joints did you build a jig for your bench saw or routers or were these done by hand?


Apprentice Member
Jul 6, 2014
United Kingdom
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Many thanks for all of the kind comments. I'd been doing so much turning I fancied a break and going back to 'woodwork'. I made myself a router table and then bought a fantastic piece of kit that I did the joints with. It's a Leigh RTJ400 router table jig and I got it through Axminster. It really is good and easy to use. The router bit sticks out of the table and you move the jig over it rather than having the jig held down on the table. Can't recommend it highly enough. As for the felt, it is 1mm thick black felt bought from Amazon. No adhesive on the back but my other half Penny got to work with pva and stuck it over the routed grooves. She is actually quite a woodworker herself and these are two of her latest pieces on the scrollsawIMG_0266.jpggirl.jpg


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
My computer is in the main room I just called Wilma to see both your terrific box then lo and behold your Penny follows up with two masterclass works of art. they are among the best I have seen in my life.

64 yrs ago I visited my girlfriend she was 15 yrs old then she lived out of of town on a property (cattle etc) her Dad managed I had only recently met her 60 miles from my home. Here she was on a home made swing off a branch of
Eucalyptus Nicholi a beautiful sight still sharply in my mind. Dont think I was being clever with remembering the bottanical name of the tree we knew it as peppermint gum distinctive peppermint smell. I have in front of me a pen blank I will photograph because it dried like a pretzel just found it in my stash this week with its proper name and the date put away 18/7/08.

Wilma and I the lass in my tree celebrated 60 yrs married in July.

PM me with Penny,s birth year and I will try to send an Australian Penny of that year please include your address in the PM Paul.



Full Member
Jan 10, 2015
Barking Essex
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Looks very cool indeed
what size router bit did you use for the pen tray and will it support both slim line and cigar pens alike.
just asking as after seeing your work i feel inspired.
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