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Latest Burl pens


Full Member
Mar 26, 2023
Wolford, North Dakota
First Name
Afternoon all,
Been busy on the lathe, here's my latest group of pens. Voids (of which there were many) filled with a mix of ground coffee, sawdust and thin CA.

Wood sanded to 240, application of Yorkshire grit and polished on wheel. Didn't want a high gloss, just some protection from handling.

Woods are Thuya Burl, American Oak Burl, and Yew Burl.

Closed length - 150 mm to 158 mm
Open length - 144 mm to 152 mm
No step.
Bock #6 nibs

As ever, thoughts and critiques please.


View attachment 50965View attachment 50966View attachment 50967View attachment 50968View attachment 50969View attachment 50970View attachment 50971View attachment 50972View attachment 50973
VERY nice!

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