I don't know who you were oferring it too, but if it was generic, I wouldn't mind it, but I doubt I would use it imminently.
i will put one of them in post...when i get a minute
I don't know who you were oferring it too, but if it was generic, I wouldn't mind it, but I doubt I would use it imminently.
i will put one of them in post...when i get a minute
dont be silly
I have a lump of brass if u want a small one
not sure on postage
There's some lovely mallets here. These are my two, one is beech and oak the other is hickory. The beech feels nice in the hand but the oak head doesn't take any sort of punishment well. The hickory one I made out of curiousity, I wanted to see how the wood behaved and looked. I made it small and without a head so I could slip into my pocket without it falling out due to being top heavy, it has no weight to it but it is very hard and doesn't show any sign of impact after using it on my chisel.