The origiinal post, photos, appears to be canvas. The key, which many miss I think, is in the pressure required to compress the material together. Simply place the material with the goo inside of a ziploc bag and sandwich with 2 thick blocks of wood and put C clamps on that till it's the desired thickness. Don't bother with bench vises (I have broken many of them doing this)
The other note of caution is the resin used is fiberglass resin. it contains fiberglass strands and you really really do *NOT* want to breath this stuff, EVER. So use a shop vac and clean up good after turning and use a dust collection system while turning and cutting. Also P100 respirators (in the hardware store listed for mold/lead/asbestos abatement) NOT the P85 stuff, get the P100 and save your health.
You can use epoxy instead of fiberglass resin, it's more costly and can yellow over time.