I think it is pretty impressive for a first attempt. Allen
Keep at it Vic I am not the one to give any advice as you know I have only just started myself. Luckily I have been fortunate that the blanks I made with out a pot have come out with no apparent bubbles, I am using Polyester resin.
Great effort Vic and a very good first attempt at a watch parts pen. The reason for using pressure for the Alumilite is the setting time is quite fast, the bubbles don't get a chance to float to the top of the mold. Pressure doesn't get rid of the bubbles, it just makes them smaller so you can't see them. pressure pots are better for tubless blanks.
Some people who use "Epoxy resin" tend to use vacuum to get rid of the bubbles as it has a slower setting time. I use Easycast water clear epoxy and put the two bottles of resin and activator in a bowl of hot water first. This increases the viscosity of the resin and gives the bubbles a much better chance of floating to the top of the mold. With this method I don't need a vacuum pot. Also when painting the tubes I use emulsion or black board paint as CA glue does not react with water based paints when dry. Hope this helps.
Nothing wrong with that Vic , turned out nice again as George Formby would have said
George Who ? What type of casting does he do ?