Thanks Peter, and the same to you tooA Rose by any name Phil all the best for 2015.
Thanks Peter, and the same to you tooA Rose by any name Phil all the best for 2015.
I've Joined Woody (as you know) - thanks for the invitation. Before I post anything there, I wonder if someone can help me out on a technical issue. I can see lots of people have kindly liked my page, and to reciprocate, and to join the your group Woody, I cant seem to do it with my business hat on, I have to do it with my personal hat on. Is that normally the case, or have I got something wrong or maybe I'm missing something? Any pointers anyone?
Phil when you joined Facebook you will have first had a personal account (maybe in your own name), this then allows you to build "Pages" your Beaufort Ink as we see is a Facebook page, your personal facebook site & your Beaufort Ink "Page" react in different ways.
When you like something as your personal page, you will receive info from that liked page (depending on your settings), these will automatically appear but will not be seen on your Beaufort Ink page.
To like something as your Beaufort page you need to be using Facebook as Beaufort Inks & not as your personal id. When you like something as Beaufort Inks, you end up with a small advert for the liked site in the left sidebar (up to 5 are shown at a time & they rotate) You do not get all the posted messages from those sites you have liked on your Beaufort Ink page, after all posted messages from other sites maybe in direct competition with you, but the way it works allows you to like something you may consider a friend, competition, etc without having posts arrive on your page that may not be considered suitable.
When you look at your likes you may see that you have for example 10 likes but only know who 7 of them are personally, this may mean such as in my case you can see I have liked you as my personal page "Billy Binns", I have also like you as Turning Imp Pens which can be seen in the left side bar.
Having read what I have just wrote, it looks complicated & a load of garbage but.........
I will try & explain better in the new year, cheers
Thanks for explaining Billy. Let me see if I understand...
The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle; the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.
Yes, yes, I think I've got it
No, I do understand what you're saying, its just that I find it irritating that I can't seem to befriend personal pages as Beaufort Ink, I have to do that as Phil Dart. I can like only other business pages as Beaufort Ink.
i.e. as Phil Dart I can like Turning Imp and befriend Billy Binns, but as Beaufort Ink I only can like Turning Imp, I cant befriend Billy Binns. Am I being dim?
Bllody hellthat right you can also only send a message to a person if they have sent you a message
It most annoyingBllody hell
Looking good Phil.
I will post the links up for you and Dan on the club website this week, when we are sober.