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New Mistral kits - brand new to the market - comments welcome


Apr 19, 2015
First Name
Pencils are something I have always wanted to get into but the kits are limited and rather poor quality. I do loads of technical drawing at work and would love a nice .3 or .5 lead pencil so I'm keen to see how these turn out.


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Now I like the idea of a good quality kit available in the Uk Phil.:thumbs:

I'm always interested in decent quality kits, price tag doesn't matter provided the price matches the quality.:thumbs:

Good luck and hope to see them soon.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
From time to time the manufacturing world takes a dive or a zoom I was thinking of light bulbs now incandescent lamps are out others are in whole inventories are wiped out.

Pen kits are being released at an alarming rate your thoughts on mechanisms from Germany could take care of pencils having found that leads become vital to project an image with a pencil softer leads are essential physical strength a premium.

I agree fountain pens that are Warbucks huge attract a market but most users head for a more streamlined model.

Units than can serve more than one purpose usually stay that way after purchase either as a Fountain pen or roller or fine point. I can remember only using pens throw away for years and years that used a fine wick rather than a nib they made a statement too.

Choice of Bock or other brands suggest one is superior to the other its difficult to put this to a purchaser of kits down priced for a reason from the maker of pens perspective. Choice of broad, medium and fine nibs quite a minefield at a market either you have some of each or are able to change and fettle different ones on the spot.

Design physically, fit in the hand , clip shape and efficiency, any bling, plain etc appearance your new pen seems to have a reduction from the centre band. Centre bands are used for a reason as well to strengthen the togetherness of the pen whilst in the pocket vital if I read the often comments from fountain pen makers.

Following your introduction, forward planning all the best Phil in your new venture some of the basic thoughts face every manufacturer of kits in the world trust it becomes the go to upmarket desire of the majority.

Refreshing challenge mate.


Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
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Thank you everyone for your comments and good wishes. With large manufacturing quantities involved it is quite a risk to undertake, so its encouraging the nobody has said don't waste your time. I'm pretty certain that the market could do with some kits along the lines I've described and I'll keep you all posted with progress as it happens.

A great leap forward today by the way, concerning the FP nibs. As I've said, I don't want to supply the kits with Bocks as standard as it will make the kits too expensive, and for various reasons I don't like the nibs that are supplied by either of the two manufacturers I'm currently talking to. For some reason, nibs are one of the last things that suppliers think about, whereas it won't surprise you to know that I believe it should be amonst the first. But I have now found a source of nibs from another specialist manufacturer which I do like, so I'll be able to get the kits made in one place and the nibs in another, which as far as I'm concerned is a huge hurdle overcome.


Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
Bloody waste of time and effort LOL all the very best Phill I'm only sorry I bont sell many pens any more but I will get some for my collection look forward to seeing how you progress with them
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