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Newbie - Sierra pen in Yew


Full Member
Sep 6, 2016
First Name
Well done Steve nice pen. The Sierra is quite an awkward pen to find a drill bit for in the UK. Officially it is a 27/64" drill bit which roughly equates to 10.71 mm I ordered a 27/64" bit but it was useless and very blunt so use a colt 10.5mm and have to run it through the blank in each direction twice before the sleeve will fit like you I am going to invest in a 11mm dewalt drill and allthough this will be a bit loose (no pun intended) will make up for it by using Gorilla glue which expands to take up the slack.

Thanks Bob

I went with the 11mm drill bit and drilled slowly on the lathe... When test inserting the tube it wasn't particular ill loose and I used thick CA liberally applied to the heavily roughed tube and it stuck very firmly in the blank, very quickly.

I haven't looked into Gorrila glue as yet.. But will do..

Thanks for the tip!
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