You would be better of applying your ca finish between centres that way they wont have anything to stick to
I have never used them as I use cones when I do the CA finish. I have heard many times about non stick, but if you take care and change them for cones I have never had that problem.
Sensible advice from Woody and Eamonn.
Here is what I said in my
article on CA in Woodturning magazine:
"One of the problems many turners
experience when finishing with CA is that the
CA will stick to the bushings. A thin coating
will break away cleanly when the blanks
are removed, but a thick layer can cause
unsightly chipping at the ends of the blank.
Numerous weird and wonderful methods
have been devised to overcome this problem,
ranging from smearing the bushings with
wax to using the point of a skew chisel to cut
the blank cleanly from the bushings. In my
experience none of these methods are wholly
effective and it is much better to remove the
blank from the bushings and finish it between
centres or between cone bushings, so that
there is nothing in contact with the ends of
the blank for the CA to adhere to."