Thank you all for your replies and offers, very good of you
I wanted the ebony for making spindles to run through fret-sawed cogs as a contrasting colour and for their hardness. I'm having a go at making various wooden working machines of the Heath Robinson variety (Anything to keep an olde git entertained), My new Proxxon fretsaw works well at cutting out intricate parts and I didn't want to use metal rods. I have found a solution to the ebony problem. I bought a B grade guitar fretboard off ebay, cut it up into slabs and then cut it again into square rods. I then put the blank into my Proxxon hobby lathe and turn the blank round (No, I don't sell Proxxon equipment or have any interest in them, I just think they're wonderful for small hobby stuff) I use an electronic vernier to determine the final diameter of the ebony and try my best to match it to my forstner drills LOL
I have an interest in medieval weapons such as in the photo, only in miniature as desktop ornaments, but working of course!