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Omega's today


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
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While I was laboriously typing several more replies came in tell Dave of the exciting timber he deserves a medal, Steven what I do on my camera is use the setting marked P on my camera after using another setting called plus and minus like a ying yang mark that allows me to set the F stop as high as I can at the expense of speed compelling me to use a tripod with my shaky hold. I then have the facility to go on a scale marked plus or minus still using Auto Focus the compromises yield a choice of pics to view in the library of Picassa 3 that I use as so many UK people say like the Meercat ads here Thimple. Now my camera is a cheap one an old S602Z Finepix Fujifilm I have taken the liberty of showing with this few words to show an oft shown pic to give you an idea of compromises easily obtained and to me quite pleasing. Dave when a camera is made the lenses used are optimised a term from me that says there is a sweet spot that is a compromise between loss of light squinting through the lens a wide aperture is used to view then on Auto focus the settings when used my way allow me to to simply acheive I also take my pen pics from above and at this distance use the macro button hence the use of an open box and again my primitive light box and set up I use in the lounge there is a picture of here it enables me to set up pull down put away after keep the lady of my life happy. Going above for me increases the depth I can capture, I like to prop up the pen to let light get under it. Every light is a shadow bear in mind. To me life is chock full of compromises having to make ,more than most I choose repetition with my pen pics this allows me the urge to do more spending less time on every penmaking function. Lovely to talk to you today this way. PS settings of higher than F16 bring in whats called diffraction when the light bounces around the shutter mechanism or blind set up can give blurring remember moderation in all things. When I was given my camera and turned it on the lens sprang out like an excited young man and it stays out so I had to relearn cameras and the way they function for digital ie.



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Full Member
Jul 30, 2013
Nice to see 'em Ray. Just watch the colour change in the Palo Santo over the coming weeks, becomes a bizzarre blue-green and eventually green-brown. Quite amazing transformation!


May 1, 2014
Narrowboat dweller Willington, Derby
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Nice to see 'em Ray. Just watch the colour change in the Palo Santo over the coming weeks, becomes a bizzarre blue-green and eventually green-brown. Quite amazing transformation!

I was very taken aback by the scent in the Palo Santo, wonderful, made the workshop smell great, not to mention the wonderful aromas that came from the rosewood and some others. It was great to turn, but, like Thuya, it clogs up the sandpaper instantly but the amazing thing about that was the lovely pistachio green colour left on the sandpaper.
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