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One of Dans Zeta's dressed in laburnum


Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
forgive me if i am wrong
is the sierra a barrel twist?
is the lucida \ zeta a cap twist?

i prefer the cap twist ...it feels better quality to me

i do a lot of sierra but much prefer quality of lucida
i never got a sample but if it is going to be same as lucida ..I have to say Dan could be on a winner...for me at least
and as stated before I am sure Dan is not trying to re-invent the wheel
just making it an option for uk buyers

gets my vote


p.s. if he is trying to re-invent ..then i think the "omitted" knurl was a way forward

Steve the Zeta is a cap twist the same as the lucida


Mar 2, 2014
Lincoln, UK
First Name
Very nice pen :thumbs: ( does everyone buy from Dan am I missing out :nooidea:)

A lot of us do Tom, Dan has gone out of his way to supply some thing new to us although this is only a sample & is not actually available to us yet. His pricing is very competitive with special offers & discounts to forum members. :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
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