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Pen Stand


Graduate Member
May 18, 2018
Nr Blandford Forum. Dorset. UK
First Name
Hopefully this will work and I have it in the right place?

The Pen Stand that I made - 1 out of wood and the other out of Corian I used a template (Attached below)

This has been scanned onto an A4 piece of paper so make sure you print directly onto an A4 piece of paper so its the same size.

I have NOT added size of up-stands, the reason for this is the different height of pens available, one I made was great for the likes of the Epsilon but didn't look very good with taller pens.
Once you have cut out the top and bottom sections just lay a pen up against them and gauge what height you want the stand to sit at for your pens.

Again same with the slots.
The size on the drawing is great for larger pens but no good for Slimlines (They lean over way to much) so play around with different drill sizes.

Last bit of advice.

BEFORE you cut out the smaller (Top) section drill the holes / slots, makes it so much easier than trying afterwards. :thumbs:

For Reference:

Photo 13-10-2018, 10 52 05.jpg
Photo 13-10-2018, 11 08 54.jpg
Photo 13-10-2018, 11 46 27.jpg


  • Pen Stand.pdf
    477.5 KB · Views: 72


Oct 5, 2015
First Name
That looks really good and well made. I've made a couple but not as neat as that. Also found they were too heavy to cart round for shows etc.

Perhaps you could counter sink the screws on top and put some dowels in to hide them


Graduate Member
May 18, 2018
Nr Blandford Forum. Dorset. UK
First Name
That looks really good and well made. I've made a couple but not as neat as that. Also found they were too heavy to cart round for shows etc.

Perhaps you could counter sink the screws on top and put some dowels in to hide them

What I do now is recess the upstands and glue in so no screws at all :thumbs:
As with everything its all a work in progress and the last one I made looks great, sent it off to the person that asked for it before taking any photos though :sob:
Again, just an idea, alter, modify and change as you see fit for your own use :thumbs:

Oh and I am making a THREE level one now, might not get done before the move but I am taking photos of the build and will post when done :winking:
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