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Pens in my workshop today


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Three more cracking pens from your stable Ben.

I see you're still getting it in the neck for your photo staging. Personally I don't have a problem with your background. Your lighting is not at all bad either - maybe a little glaring in one or two spots, but there again you are showing us work as it comes off the lathe - so I don't have a problem with your lighting either.

However, if you want a really cheap solution to silence your critics, you could pop into your local wallpaper merchant and pick up a roll of good quality lining paper. It's very nearly pure white, and is really handy as a background within easy arms reach, for firing off any quick "this is what I've done today" photos. That and a "grey card", (which we talked about on the phone the other day), and you are home and dry Ben. Critics are silenced.

Shame for Phil to call me a critic I prefer the title friend who has the aim to help. I have a solution that enables me to post pics in a few minutes in the form pm if you are interested.

kind regards Peter.

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Shame for Phil to call me a critic I prefer the title friend who has the aim to help. I have a solution that enables me to post pics in a few minutes in the form pm if you are interested.

kind regards Peter.
No offense intended Peter. I used the word in its literal sense, alluding to critique rather than criticism. I agree - we're all friends with the aim of helping each other. Well intentioned critique is always useful.
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