I'm not suggesting that you charge £100 for them, I'm just trying to illustrate how you can can alter something's perceived value. :wink:
I live in one of the poorest areas of England (the North East), so I know what you mean about no money locally. Cornwall has a good influx of tourists every year - is there no way you could tap into that market?
I agree with that, I'm in the North East as well and always seemed to be cash flowing in Cornwall when I've been there, even if it is only in the holiday season. If someone told me my £10 pen was too expensive, not that I'd ever sell one for £10, I would tell them to go and buy a Bic for a quid. Anyone who would say that just isn't worth listening to, it's ignorant and offensive imo. Maybe you're looking at the wrong target market Tom
Whereabouts in the North east are you Melanie? I'm just North of Morpeth.