As if!!
Favouritism Jim ,that's wot it is ...think we got the ones with squirrel damage !!!!
As if!!
Cheers Terry glad you have such confidence in me init?I reckon that Charly did that cone for you Brian as turning it would be a little bit beyond your capabilities !!!!
My pictures are real crap since I been playing with my camera I cant get the settings right again.
I'll have to look for a default reset option and start again init?
I agree entirely Brian !!!! LOL
Added another pic to reproduce it.
It didn't matter what I tried Peter I couldn't get a picture anywhere I had totally buggered the settings up, it was getting bluer the more i played with it.
I went in the garden in bright sunlight yesterday and shot pics everywhere, the camera kept picking up a blue hue, I got better pics from my phone.
My Drain came out with her little toy camera and got better pics than me, I was so bloody frustrated with it I started looking at cameras to buy a new one.
It was only later I thought the camera is fine it must be something I have done to it.
Sure enough a reset has it back to normal.
They are spot on now. Although that doesn't account for why the bad ones looked good on your desktop. There's no holding you back now, I think you should re-photograph everything you have done in the last month
It is magic to see the "Great Grumps" coming unstuck like the rest of us !!!!! LOL
I bet they do make lovely veneers Peter and yes pics please, two of the cones were quite a way off bonk but I was too polite to mention it init?