Grand Master
I'm sorry Pete but I cant stand the word exmas to me it represents Christmas without Christ and he has been replaced with an X I hope this don't offend anyone but this is me and I know some of you wont understand were I'm coming from, there my little bit of political correctness
I know there are other Christians on here it would be interesting to here your thoughts on this indeed anyone's thoughts just as a discussion
I'm sorry Pete but I cant stand the word exmas to me it represents Christmas without Christ and he has been replaced with an X I hope this don't offend anyone but this is me and I know some of you wont understand were I'm coming from, there my little bit of political correctness
I know there are other Christians on here it would be interesting to here your thoughts on this indeed anyone's thoughts just as a discussion
I'm sorry Pete but I cant stand the word exmas to me it represents Christmas without Christ and he has been replaced with an X I hope this don't offend anyone but this is me and I know some of you wont understand were I'm coming from, there my little bit of political correctness
I know there are other Christians on here it would be interesting to here your thoughts on this indeed anyone's thoughts just as a discussion
Earlier this day I looked around for a few pens picked up the latest few set them out on the kitchen table didnt have enough for Merry Christmas took a short cut executed my quick thought answered the phone completed arrangements for the mornings breakfast with family, installed a soundbar at the TV, relaxed without a predudiced thought on the words full of cheer and goodwill, I am fortunate I guess I belong to The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, practice what I preach not for a moment would I give voice to what you say and do or would like to debate. A very merry Christmas to you Woody got enough letters on the computer for this. Strange twist to a heartfelt salute.
Kind regards Peter.
There you go you learn something new every day thank you Ed looks like you may get kicked out of the plonkers club soon with all that knowledge LOL personalty I still wont use it but that's just me I'm a stubborn ol git LOL I like the sound of Christmas it has a ring to it
The one that sticks in my craw is the way that the Americanese Santa Clause is ousting/has ousted the British Father Christmas...To all you kids out there Santa Clause does NOT bring your pressies ,they are brought by good ol' FATHER CHRISTMAS !!!!!!
That's great Ed, you've finally cleared up something for me
So Santa is the big guy with a grey beard in a red suite who sits in a grotto.
Whilst father Christmas is a foul mouthed drunk who as a kid I remember being woken up by as he struggled, banging & crashing upstairs whilst I pretended to be asleep so he could place my presents at the end of my bed.
This place is a font of knowledge.
Farther Christmas is a mixture of Santa Clause and St Nicolas how confusing another thought we tell our children dont tell lies and beware of strangers say no more LOL by the way that is meant as a light hearted statement![]()