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Representing 12 days of xmas


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
to me it represents Christmas without Christ and he has been replaced with an X ... it would be interesting to here your thoughts on this just as a discussion

Personally I think that a perfectly good pagan mid-winter festival was pinched by the early church. I mean, holly wreaths, mistletoe, feasting, carols, fire ceremonies - these are all pre-christian.

My opinion: Ralph is spot-on. Christ NEVER WAS in Christmas, in fact he wasn't born on 25 Dec and he didn't want anyone to celebrate his birthday - certainly not by adopting pagan rituals from religions that he urged his followers to flee from! It's adoption into christianity in the fourth century (by a non-christian roman emperor looking to reduce political friction in his empire) says more about the state of christianity at that time than it does about the sanctity of the celebration for christians.

It is a secular celebration in every sense, which is why retailers make such a big hoo-hah over it. Most UK retailers accept that they will trade at a loss for the first three months of a year, which they more than make up for with the spending frenzy in November and December ... I guess I shouldn't whine - I sell more pens in the run-up to Xmas than the rest of the year combined!



Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
This is what I like about our forum we all have a different opinion on things and in spite of all that we remain friends so I will say seasons greetings to you all and may your homes be full of joy with a wonderful new year in front of us all


It's Showtime.....
Jun 22, 2013
Portsmouth, UK
That's great Ed, you've finally cleared up something for me :thumbs:

So Santa is the big guy with a grey beard in a red suite who sits in a grotto.

Whilst father Christmas is a foul mouthed drunk who as a kid I remember being woken up by as he struggled, banging & crashing upstairs whilst I pretended to be asleep so he could place my presents at the end of my bed.

This place is a font of knowledge.


Steady on - I resembled him on occasions... Hic:funny::funny:
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