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Rhynogrip Redline coming soon!

Neil Lawton

Dec 26, 2013
First Name
How soon is soon Dan?
I need to stock up very soon!:ciggrin:

i believe the red lasts longer than white
it does cost a bit more
possibly not as flexible

but the 600 - 1200 of red i have seems to be flexible enough..but clogs easy
maybe just down to the finer grit that it clogs quicker

might be worth getting a few samples Dan ...see how the lower grits perform

i get about 10 pens out of a small white square of 240
I get about 2 pens out of a small red of 800 before it has clogged

Use something like this Steve.
Abrasive Belt & Disc Cleaners - Belt Cleaners - Solvents & Cleaners - Fixing, Gluing & Finishing | Axminster Tools & Machinery

Works for me:thumbs:
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