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Roman Harvest in a Terry Q Serpentine Dress

Bob Ellis

Graduate Member
Dec 28, 2014
Wensleydale, North Yorkshire
First Name
Thanks again, Vic, for the recommendation of Timberbits. I've placed an order for a batch of Roman Harvests (or should that be a bumper crop? :rolling:), but I'll be hard pressed to produce anything half as good as you have done with that lovely serpentine blank. I shall be (im)patiently watching the mail until they arrive.

Vic Perrin

Executive Member
Feb 23, 2014
Rugeley Staffs
First Name
Thanks again, Vic, for the recommendation of Timberbits. I've placed an order for a batch of Roman Harvests (or should that be a bumper crop? :rolling:), but I'll be hard pressed to produce anything half as good as you have done with that lovely serpentine blank. I shall be (im)patiently watching the mail until they arrive.

You made me check my stock of Roman Harvest Bob and I put an order in yesterday as well.

I have been surprised how quick they can get your order to you from Australia. My last order was just over 4 days from time of order to delivery. I sent my son a parcel on the same day that I placed this order and it took 10 days for the Post Office to get it to Kent ??

Don't be alarmed if it does not get here in 4 days. I think that delivery was a one off !



Grand Master
May 26, 2013
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Vic yesterday I picked up my Roman Harvest you may remember One I did with an opal in place of the button in the top from the same person I sold that one I have an order from again for the graduating brother this time Ivory (faux) body so when I got home I used a drift with the top in my hand the button popped out. I will take a pic next week when I finish the pen. This one is to equate go with to this letter opener.



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