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Silicone Pen Mould


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
I was told as long as it smells like salt and vinegar chips it is OK.

Oh it smelled like vinegar Mark, but i have nothing else good to add ... :ciggrin:

Jim, do I understand correctly that you've thrown this mould out? Was the material no good?

Yes it is in the bin David, the blanks came out all shapes, even had a taper down its length. The silicone wasn't strong enough to hold the blanks shape. :thinks:


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
LOL ... All jokes aside I read on IAP about using reinforcement, ply plates and chicken-wire type netting. Worth a try? :nooidea:

I made one, the sides are about 3/4" thick it works ok, it took two tubes of silicon.

You are right guys, after this was made i knew that it would be to flimsy and wished that i had made it a tad more beefy. :whistling:

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