Hmm, I like the look of those kits.
The brass powder idea is interesting as well, nice effect on a very nicely pen !
The brass powder idea is interesting as well, nice effect on a very nicely pen !
Understand your reasoning for leaving it default but the belt is the one thing I would change when I get these kits.
Drill through a foreign coin or use a washer, anything but that init?
Thanks Brian, I know exactly what you mean about the belt and I was tempted to make a different one but as this is the first go with this kit I left it as it is. Unfortunately, being a larger diameter mechanism, the centre band from a streamline doesn't fit but I'm sure we'll get there in the long run.
Is there enough meat on the streamline band to drill out the centre?
Yes it could be drilled out but for this one, I want it to be as designed... just for this one and this one only.
You could use vasilene on the bush internal to assist removal.
I think that would be a very good idea Frankie, I'll give it a shot. It would certainly give me more peace of mind when glueing.
As I say someone will get some in soon I have no doubt, he was a bit sparse with his info and didn't follow up to well I thought.It would take about 2 weeks to get though.