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Some pens


Grand Master
Mar 16, 2013
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
First Name
Thanks again guys.
Seems like I'm having a run of bad look though.
I made this one and sanded the ends by putting a transfer punch in the tailstock of the Record Maxi 2, as usual.

View attachment 9054

The fit at the ends is bloody awful!

So I mounted a bowl blank and trued it up. I know I trued it up but apparently the lathe didn't agree.:vangry:
Took a cut one way and all seemed okay. Took a cut the other, and the gouge was bouncing all over the place:vangry::vangry:
Any attempt at cutting a spigot was met with a bounce that Zebedee would be proud of!:vangry::vangry::vangry:
Seems I will get chance to experience Records new improved after sales service, when I ring them on Tuesday!
I'm led to believe that a very loud alarm goes off at the mention of the name Lawton.:funny:

Looks pretty good from here.:thumbs::thumbs:
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