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Some simple segmenting


Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
Please forgive my ignorance but I cant see for the life of me how you get the cuts in the blackwood with the setup of your sledge as it is in the photo I can see how it would make an angled cut across the wood but not on the face of the wood the configuration of the sledge seems wrong to me for the cuts you say you made unless I have mist something which is more than likely the case the old grey matter dont seem to work as fast as it once did LOL


Full Member
Nov 16, 2013
Please forgive my ignorance but I cant see for the life of me how you get the cuts in the blackwood with the setup of your sledge as it is in the photo I can see how it would make an angled cut across the wood but not on the face of the wood the configuration of the sledge seems wrong to me for the cuts you say you made unless I have mist something which is more than likely the case the old grey matter dont seem to work as fast as it once did LOL

Hello Woody. The blank material that is in the jig was a test piece and I think it has a couple extra cuts in it. The one at the bottom of the jig was the blank used to make one of the pens shown. When I posted the very first photo in this thread with the red and black veneer in it shows the cuts and should give you a better look. The pencil line in the center of the angle cuts is not a crack. It is to give me center of the blank so I can figure it to fit on the tube of choice. You are only cutting about 1/16" to 1/8"shy of dead center of the blank. You are doing the same cut on all 4 sides. Just rotate it in the jig and keep the same orientation of the blank against the stop. When I did the slashes on the top and bottom of the white blank that was done with a miter guage 90 degrees to the blade so that you are cutting straight across. Now those cuts were just 2 sides. Here is the photo I was eluding to. Maybe I am not following your question but hope this helps.

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