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Spiral bodied Zeta


Full Member
Jun 21, 2018
Jersey, Channel Isles
First Name
Thanks Phil , my intention was not to be deceitful & I never intended to fool anyone.
I am always looking to make pens out of anything different .
Sorry if i dissapointed anyone but if you look back , i won the pen of the week with a carved wooden Rhino that i converted into a fountain pen !!!
I Will be always looking to create something different in the future, that is what i enjoy doing.
Johnny 5

Speaking entirely personally I was certainly not disappointed Johnny. I totally agree with Phil. Our hobby is about making pens; there are, fortunately, no rules about what you make them from. I, too, love to make them from "non-standard" materials and I always will. Your pen was clever, as I said in a previous post, and a worthy Pen of the Week. :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


Oct 5, 2015
First Name
Thanks Phil , my intention was not to be deceitful & I never intended to fool anyone.
I am always looking to make pens out of anything different .
Sorry if i dissapointed anyone but if you look back , i won the pen of the week with a carved wooden Rhino that i converted into a fountain pen !!!
I Will be always looking to create something different in the future, that is what i enjoy doing.
Johnny 5

Not disappointed at all, great idea and looks really cool, i think it's a great way to make a pen

Thinking outside of the box, well done
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