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Textured pen


Full Member
May 1, 2014
bangor ni / costa del sol spain
First Name
Hi to all
Meny thank for the welcome, comments and observations good and not so good. We are all entitled to to are opinions which is refreshing and not the first time I have been put in my place and i am sure it will not be the last time. lol
About the photo of the pen on the grotty key board, I had the pen in front of me, on said key board, while on the web and noticed it showed the texturing effect well, so i snapped it and used it only to show the effect as best I could.
Woody is correct it is an old Ambassador kit i had lying around, with no intensions of selling it and to my surprise i sold it last evening with a fountain pen nib and cartridge. (I improved the finish after showing it in the forum.) As some one said the customer is alway right.
I am still a lover of CA finish (but i do use it from time to time) if the customer asks for it. My biggest concern is the novice turner uses it with out being aware of the possible danger. I have a friend, an experienced turner who applied some CA to a revolving piece on his lathe, forgot to put his safety glasses on and you've guested it, got some in his eye and straight to A and E.
Anyway onwards and upwards, back to the workshop.
Yoall have a good day.
PS another pic of one of my best selling pens, a roller ball in rippled maple and stripy ebony.Mapple & Ebony.jpg


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
Good to see you come back James and with a lovely picture of what looks like a kitless or almost pen, very nice indeed.
As for the ca argument we will have to agree to differ on that, I do think there are times when it is necessary.
When turning a piece of punky spalted fruit wood which is being stabilized all through the process what else would you choose to finish it with?
I don't claim it to be my favourite finish nor any other for that matter, for me it depends on the material, colour , shape, recipient and what I have at my disposal.


Nov 6, 2011
First Name
It is hared to make it out in the dark picture on the left the one on the right helps show the texture off better, I don't mind this sort of work and respect the fact that you put your hand to making something different.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Just seen those pens Peter, it is good we all have opinions on the pens we make, well here is my opinion, they are right up my street my friend .. As i have said a few times on here, if i was to make pens that only i liked, i would have a shed full by now .. :thumbs:
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