I start with apologies for the quality of some of the photos. I took a point and click camera up to the shed and the autofocus didn't focus on what I expected it too and with my mask on it was difficult to tell. Anyway excuses over here we go.
1. First of all I started with a spent 7.62 Nato round which was supplied by Alex. These rounds used to be used in the SLR and GPMG but since the SLR was phased out it is not only used in the GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun.
2. With a spare piece of wood drill a 11.5mm hole to hold the casing
1. First of all I started with a spent 7.62 Nato round which was supplied by Alex. These rounds used to be used in the SLR and GPMG but since the SLR was phased out it is not only used in the GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun.
2. With a spare piece of wood drill a 11.5mm hole to hold the casing