Looking good for an early attempt Brian, and I'm certainly no expert. I take it it's not a selfie, too much hair methinks!
Looking good for an early attempt Brian, and I'm certainly no expert. I take it it's not a selfie, too much hair methinks!
It's an early Grump work of my interpretation what a wood spirit looks like, totally from my head with no marking out, basically doodling with a knife.
Next attempt will at least have a centre line so I can judge at least get some proportion in it.
The vids I have seen they all pencil in and cut to the pencil lines, I didn't do any of that, I just followed the knife and avoided cutting myself.
I am not unhappy with the result as I can see where I can improve so much and learned that I can at least see something in the wood, if that makes any sense?
Thanks for the encouragement everybods.
That makes a great deal of sense Bob, thank you too init?
I've just re-read it and it's double Dutch to me
Ik piek dubbele nederlandse init ?