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This was my first pen


Sep 2, 2015
Southern Central France
First Name
As I'm new to the forum I thought I'd post a picture or two of some of the pens I've turned over the past 12 months or so.

This was the first pen I turned in Bubinga (I think)- my wife collared it immediately!

View attachment 30467

Then I made these in Rosewood and Bubinga:

View attachment 30468

Hi Graham, I have tried to reply on a couple of days but for some reason between the forum hiccoughs and my internet having failed no success The first pen that you showed cannot be Bubinga since that has distinctive red stripes in brown. Indeed your first pen looks like the modern Lignum vitae substitute ie Argentine Lignum Vitae or (bulnesia) if you ask lignaterrae on this forum he probably has a much better idea than me since he seems to have had a life in wood whereas I only had exams (and yes there is a big difference) . As for the 3 pens together with the photo quality I will give them rosewood on the left but the one on the right looks more like grey walnut. It is always easier to identify when you see the blank in the raw and even easier to see the log with the leaves and fruit!! :winking:



Feb 1, 2017
First Name
Thanks Pierre, the two pens are from the same offcut, could well be grey walnut. Sadly, I know less than most :sob:
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