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TM sedona


Full Member
Apr 28, 2016
First Name
Thanks for all your comments.

Ruth, all the photos of my pens are taken by my wife. She uses a Digital SLR camera with an 18-55mm lens. Ideally a tripod should be used but she has not used one for her photos. She hangs a piece of black velvet material which is used as a back drop (any material will do as long as it is not shiny). She then places an A3 sized mirror flat on the table, mirror side up and in front of the backdrop. (she has an acrylic one so no chance of it breaking). :winking: She has two daylight lamps clamped to the edge of the table to illuminate the pens. The pens sit on top of the acrylic mirror and she takes the photos. She then cleans the images in photoshop, removing any dust specks and cat fluff :funny:

Hope this helps, but if you need any more info, let me know :thumbs:

Thank you for the info. I'm very new to turning and need all the help and advice I can get.:thumbs:
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