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Tried using CA and made a mess!


Full Member
Jul 5, 2013
Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
Bob don't give up on CA. I use it all the time without any problems and the reason is that I watched the video on Timberbits blog.
This shows you how to go about it and provided you ensure that you have good ventilation you should have no problems.
I would recommend that you turn any piece of wood round and try it out on this rather than use a pen blank.
Don't use old glue and I would recommend many coats of thin rather than thick CA.
I know many here on the forum don't like CA but if you can get it right it can look spectacular.
Go for it and once you have mastered it you will have another string to your bow.
(PS. EEE cream is great but expensive if you are only going to do a few pens)


Full Member
Oct 31, 2013
Bob, Walter's been turning for many years and Fiona and I are new to the game. Our door is always open however, I think you might learn more from Walter. His pens are quite special and his contouring/ shaping skills are quite superb. I must admit, I would quite like to visit him too!!! Hint Hint Walter bfn andrew


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Triple E is made in Australia by U Beaut who run one of the most complete wood working forums in the world with infinite sub groups the owner makes the pducts in a small factory dedicated to his finishes. I use triple E as the fist cut on plastic blanks after the skew on the flat it is a remarkable product my biggest problem using it is I tend not to put the lid on and forget it dries out this way but normally will have sufficient product to last most casual penmakers for years so whatever the cost in the UK its a very cheap product when
you amortise it as one of your costs it is very small.

Kind regards Peter.:thumbs:


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
Bob, Walter's been turning for many years and Fiona and I are new to the game. Our door is always open however, I think you might learn more from Walter. His pens are quite special and his contouring/ shaping skills are quite superb. I must admit, I would quite like to visit him too!!! Hint Hint Walter bfn andrew

You are welcome any time folks. Just drop me a PM for contact details.
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