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Victorian Olive


Oct 8, 2013
Well, true, its not everybodys taste, in fact it's not to many peoples taste, but to those it is, I trust they will enjoy it. The Olive wood is lovely and although it has been round the Bethlehem ring road probably originated in Southern Italy as it is forbidden to fell Olive trees in the so called "Holy land".

Im a bit of a minimalist so selling this one to me would be a bit of an uphill struggle, it looks a weighty beast and I think this perception puts me off more than anything. It would certainly be a talking piece.

Ive not used the craft coat, whats it like? how long does it take to cure and can you polish it back after it has set?

Still trying the Craft coat Neil , i put it on same way as ca , leaving a minute in between coats, at the moment getting good results , tend to put on 7 - 10 coats , leave for 24 hours and polish using something like a t cut , if it has ripples then micromesh first.
Have had a few niggles but trial and error at the moment, i like it , takes a little longer but the finish is good and cuts out any nasty fumes.
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