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Weston Super Mare Pier

Neil Lawton

Dec 26, 2013
First Name
Another lovely pen Paul! What a missed opportunity when York Minster caught fire, I bet there were hundreds of unmade pens thrown out when it was rebuilt ! Could this be the next competition? Who can make a pen out of the most famous landmark !? Lainey

All the wood from the Minster fire was salvaged.
The pens on sale in the minster are by the bloke that joined here, left, and joined again, when you lot so kindly refused his offer of pen kit sales:whistling:

The Stoneyard occasionally hold auctions of the wood once it has been sorted through and catalogued.
The lots can be a mixture of the burnt bits or the offcuts from the replacement timber, but you still get certification signed by the Dean and Chapter, that the wood is authentic minster material.
You are allowed to copy this to give out with any pieces you make.
The last auction was on August 15th this year, so I missed it due to the York do.

Nice pen by the way Paul!


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
The last auction was on August 15th this year, so I missed it due to the York do.

I think we may have seen some of that, my Drain dragged me out to walk the wall and we happened across an auction where there was a row ensuing.
The auctioneer was telling some guy he had just bought a lump of stone for £400, the purchaser didn't understand what or why he had done such a deal.
An entertaining few minutes looking down on it.

Terry Q

Oct 8, 2014
Roanoke, Illinois USA
First Name
The color, shape and finish are top notch.

Did you find the Teak difficult to work? I have a rather large piece that is very dry and chippy when turned. Almost like Wenge. I had to wet sand with CA to fill the pours. Probably won't use it again.
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