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Wood turning magazine


May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name
I am looking forward to the demo at Bedford Saw and of course the chat about finishing, other techniques and of course the magazine.
I just hope it is nice and bright for the journey there.

Best wishes,


Looking forward to your visit, we'll have to get the dust off some of the members, they haven't moved since you were last there! Just so you recognise me, I'm six foot two, slim build and was thirty three last year. Plus I'm the only member with all my own teeth.

Loved the last magazine - thanks.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011

Looking forward to your visit, we'll have to get the dust off some of the members, they haven't moved since you were last there! Just so you recognise me, I'm six foot two, slim build and was thirty three last year. Plus I'm the only member with all my own teeth.

Loved the last magazine - thanks.

Why didn't you mention your long flowing curly hair Neil and made it easy for him ... :rolling:


Full Member
Jun 28, 2013
the problem is to do with "professional" not being neccessarily "expert" or even "knowledgeable". The are are people on this forum who could run rings around many "pro's" and yet are (mostly) very modest ! not say very helpful. Regulation or qualification is not always the forward though, I'm a beginner with wood but know a bit about birds of prey and once was an official ringer when legislation was introduced to register all UK birds. There were people who didn't know much and also others with incredible knowledge, some falconry "courses" are really more "experiences". In any field often the reputation lies with the institution when it should lie with the members, just think of a school whose "good" maths teacher leaves and the school keeps its reputation. Thats my "rant" and wild use of punctuation over !
Regards Terry
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