Huh, you're letting the side down Woody. That's at least a three month project. There's an electrical survey to be done to make sure that you don't plan any of the fixings near wiggly amps, a plan to be done to ensure that you minimise working at height, and then if you do there's a twenty minute limit or you would have to erect a secure platform. A bill of quants to be drawn up to make sure you've got all the items scheduled and therefore only have to visit b and a forty three times,....
........ And you go and knock that up in two days, I've been planning to cut the hedge for three years, renew the kitchen floor for a couple. You keep doing these things and the missus will realise ive been tagging her along with list of chores to do. Mind you I do have one excuse, I do the cooking, king Alfred wasn't the only one to burn the cakes. Your letting the side down Woody, three months at least next time please.