Hi Paul. It was usually a weekend day event, and probably will be again.
Here is a quick explanation I put for newbies on facebook.
For 2 years in a row I hosted a day event at the school I worked in. We had demonstrations and auctions of donated goods, with the profit going to buy tools or materials for the dt dept. The ticket price paid for the buffet lunch and any demo costs. The first year Walter and Philip Greenwood gave their services for free. The second year Tony Wilson demoed all day at a very charitable rate that covered his expenses. We had sales as well from Dan, myself, and other wood suppliers. Mostly though, people just wanted to come for the meet up and have a good chin wag. Both times well over £1000 was raised at the auction. Obviously costs will be higher this time as I'll have to hire a venue, so the tenner ticket price might rise a tad. If this comes off and we have an auction again, all the money from that will go to Bill Mooney for Blind Veterans.
Hope this helps.