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Alpha advise please


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Is £10 expensive for a quality kit? I don't believe so.

Having said that I don't market the entry level well and most kits I sell I tend to spend more that £10 per kit. Sometimes much more..

I like the Rhodium plating myself.

But that's just me.

What he said.

I myself like a good quality kit, but what has got to taken into account is what was said earlier.

I like the way that Dan is moving regarding his stock of good quality affordable kits. Hopefully the kits he has in stock today are moving out of the door at a nice steady pace. This is helping him put more investment into his business. If he invests in kits the Joe Public can't really afford what happens? He can't just write them off. Would the investments stop? Me personally would buy a few high ends kits once, but my biggest buys would be the reasonably priced Omega's and Epsilons etc ..


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
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I myself like a good quality kit, but what has got to taken into account is what was said earlier.

I like the way that Dan is moving regarding his stock of good quality affordable kits.

If he invests in kits the Joe Public can't really afford what happens?

I too like the way Dan is moving with the quality kits, but are we so gullible that £2.50 is really an issue here Jim. Are we so tight that the price of 1 pint of beer makes us buying pens out of reach for Joe public?
I agree with Neil, he nends to price his pens right or they won't sell, however does £2.50 on the price of a pen really stop you selling a pen with an increase of £2.50. Or is it that you expect more of a premium back because they are quality kits.?

I know the answer by the way.. :face:

Me personally would buy a few high ends kits once, but my biggest buys would be the reasonably priced Omega's and Epsilons etc ..

What do you class as reasonable priced Jim? Your reasonable price and mine may be totally different. I believe that £10 per kit is reasonable..

All in all its what we all expect to pay, but remember I would sooner be known for quality pens at a good price rather than for supplying cheap pens.:thumbs:

But don't forget it's only £2.50 that's at stake here.. sorry it might be, wow, that's £2.50 more and I can't warrant the extra cost..

In reality £2.50 on the base price of a pen after investing your time in making the pen really isn't a point for discussion is it? OMHO..:face:


Chairman Plonker
Executive Member
Jan 31, 2013
An exile Geordie living in Kingston upon Hull
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I too like the way Dan is moving with the quality kits, but are we so gullible that £2.50 is really an issue here Jim. Are we so tight that the price of 1 pint of beer makes us buying pens out of reach for Joe public?
I agree with Neil, he nends to price his pens right or they won't sell, however does £2.50 on the price of a pen really stop you selling a pen with an increase of £2.50. Or is it that you expect more of a premium back because they are quality kits.?

I know the answer by the way.. :face:

What do you class as reasonable priced Jim? Your reasonable price and mine may be totally different. I believe that £10 per kit is reasonable..

All in all its what we all expect to pay, but remember I would sooner be known for quality pens at a good price rather than for supplying cheap pens.:thumbs:

But don't forget it's only £2.50 that's at stake here.. sorry it might be, wow, that's £2.50 more and I can't warrant the extra cost..

In reality £2.50 on the base price of a pen after investing your time in making the pen really isn't a point for discussion is it? OMHO..:face:

I agree 100% with what you say Eamonn. It is the price of a cup of coffee !!!:thumbs:


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
The £2.50 soon goes up to £12.50 if buying in fives Eamonn .. It is good to have a choice, but it is a waste of time if only a handful of people are spending that £2.50 and the kits don't move, or at least when the novelty wares off the buyer buying the odd one goes back to buying the Omegas etc ..

Maybe a reason that the UK hasn't got the kits that the USA have is that here at £10 a kit we only buy the odd ones, so no seller is going to get rich quick. If i was the seller i would rather send out kits in packs of fives or tens rather than the odd one .. We are the fortunate ones Eamonn, a lot on here can't afford packs of 5 at £10 a kit .. :bwink:


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
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I agree with Eamonn 100% and I understand what Jim is saying, maybe the way forward is to charge £12+ for 1-4, £10 for 5-9 and £8 for 10+ or something along those lines. I have noticed that Dan doesn't make any price breaks for anything more than 5 kits so I think that is something he should look at. Only Dan knows if he can afford to go the rhodium and BTi route, I hope he can, but I would rather he stayed solvent and keep bringing in kits than not.



Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
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The problem for me is I can see both sides of the argument and agree with both sides. In this case there is no right or wrong choice, but for me and the market that I deal with I can not warrant the premier prices. I don't turn any great quantities of pens as it really is just a hobby and any that I sell really is for pocket money to enable me to carry on woodworking.
I am sure there are many like me out there who would wait until you get the standard kits in if you went for the premier kits first and to make any chose harder I am sure others who will state the opposite.
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