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Can you use metric equivalent drill on an omega


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
I still think measuring rather than relying on stated sizes is a better way of getting the best fit you can.

I don't go by the drawings / instructions and the drills that they recommend as I always measure every time then select the drill I need.

But That's just me..:rolling:


Oct 22, 2013
But: most people, specially when starting out, don't have a full set of metric drills on 0.1 increments so the nearest in a standard set would be 12mm and 10mm.

Subject to all the issues discussed above this might be near enough to produce a satisfactory result. If it doesn't you have only lost a blank, you can turn the evidence away and start again.

Thanks Walter and everyone. I may have developed a OCD interest for drill bits through this discussion. An invite to the worship of a person whom I respect plus confidence to fathom it out myself. Plus an understanding of metric sizes to imperial.

I've realised ( due to lack of sleep and mild stupidity) I have drill bits for timbits jr gent. Which I believe are close. So provided my baby boy allows some shed time I'm gonna give them a go!
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