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Facing off blanks


Grand Master
Mar 16, 2013
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.
First Name
Hi guys..after a bit of advice, I've been facing off my pen blanks in a chuck on the lathe with a parting tool but this dosent always get decent results since the chuck uses the blank for reference and not the hole, if the blank is warped slightly then the blank dosen't get faced off properly, same issue with sanding,if the blank isn't square to the hole then the tube dosen't end up flat.

I bought an end mill from Penkits UK ( which is great in theory as it uses the hole for reference and to keep it straight) but have been dissapointed with it as it is practically blunt and there is a very small gap between the head and the guidance rod for a slimline which means the wood gets reduced more than the tube,what other options do I have?

This is how I do it.



Jul 26, 2013
West Yorkshire
Yeah,done the same here,used a 4 inch faceplate with a 3/4 piece of oak and 120grit but ive also got another one using the 1 inch dremel sanding discs
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