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Hand made pens on ebay, how much?


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Hi Adam,

I can see where you are coming from I had the same discussion and same points o this thread previously.

However, there has always got to be one......:devil:

I have realised over the last few years as I have come across those that are not as fortunate as me, that they need to get out of bed for a reason, that reason could well be just to turn a few pens to keep them going.

And I mean keep them going that is physically and mentally. Nothing to be ashamed of in any way, but that is what there life is. Something that I can relate too and understand.

They can get up to talk to people to on here and feel proud that they are getting up and taking part in our community and also keep themselves going, without such they would pail in to insignificance.

So if someone can get out of bed, make a few pens, sell them to replace the parts and kits that they have used then make some more.

I have given many pen kits away so that they can do just that. Something I will support and one I fully appreciate.

So as life passes you by and you see someone doing what they do they do it for a reason. It might not be your ideal reason , but it is their's.


Nov 20, 2014
First Name

I may not have made my point that well, as I was typing in a rush. I wasn't trying to have a dig at people who set their prices ridiulously low, I was more having a dig at anyone who has a dig at them. if you'll pardon the pun, I was turned onto this hobby through my desire to get a lathe to bind cricket bats and save me a ton of work. I've since not made any bats! Turning has kind of taken over. Cricket bats can be infuriating to make, an so can turning, but to me, spinning a lump of wood fast and essentially shoving a big piece of metal into it to create shavings and shapes helps me relax and switch off. It is incredibly therapeutic and I can understand why people do it. After a while, your house/flat fills up with turnings and you need to sell them to make more or to buy more things to make. I guess some people just want to make enough so that they can buy more supplies and aren't interested in profit. I think that throws a lot of people in today's profit-driven, money obsessed society


Oct 7, 2014
First Name
I sell mine for about £10 I have worked it that gives me About £5 for my time (not including electric)


Full Member
Oct 14, 2014
First Name
The you need to start shopping around a little....:winking:

details please
the case would cost me 46p and the blank around £1 that leaves 54p for a kit not including p&p

Please please tel me where I can buy pen kits for under 6op each without buying in massive quantities


Mar 12, 2015
First Name
I am new to turning so when I started this thread, in my ignorance, I didn't realise many of the reasons people get into turning. I should know better since some of those reasons mirror why I have started this wonderful hobby.

Before you read the next paragraph: I now understand not everyone is in it for profit.

I would add, that in the post by ajm89, the price of £8 is only the production cost. If you were lucky enough to supply your wares to a shop or even attend craft markets, they/you would probably double that price. It would be difficult to sell to a shop or anyone when a quick search turns up similar stock available cheaper on eBay.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Yesterday I met an Electrician who installed two new smoke detectors in a property I have been managing for the church as a missionary he commenced this line of work following his last job in a retirement village. The agreed wage was 25.00 an hour first pay he was given 20.00 an hour questioned the owners said probation 3 mths then it became 6 mths on 20.00 an hr. Anyway people will work at low wages for so many reasons. Where I live there have been thousands of govt employees made redundant so life is not so pleasant for them. Child care demands a uni degree parents want as cheap as they can get fees imbalances are rife.

As we go into selling pens those seeking to make a living have to have a balanced approach its either profitable or not no airy fairy theories pay the rent, provide food and lodgings, a business plan has to succeed or stop the bus get off turn for pleasure again.As a pensioner for 18 yrs now I balance my hobby by living within my means encourage others to do this as well. When I married 6 mths short of 60 yrs ago a wise neighbor from Manchester said to me a threepenny pie will cost you sixpence well with 6 children it cost more than that but I remembered what he said. He was a carpenter on the Sydney Harbour bridge in 1927 I respected him.

Have fun with your hobby or how you make a living.

Kind regards Peter.:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
details please
the case would cost me 46p and the blank around £1 that leaves 54p for a kit not including p&p

Please please tel me where I can buy pen kits for under 6op each without buying in massive quantities

If you are not prepared to buy in bulk then continue to spend allot of money on kits, blanks and cases.

If you get down to the local petrol station and buy a bag of hardwood logs you could make allot of pens out of then and it wouldn't cost much above 20p for the blank, that is one area you could save on. But then again you would be buying bulk wouldn't you..

As you can see that is one area where anyone can save on, even if they buy all the kit and the cases at your prices they could easily get a chunk of wood and spin it up to knock out a pen.

I went down the local tip last week and there was loads of wood going begging, old furniture, fence posts, work tops and all manner of waste wood. All for free.:thumbs:

Trust me I have seen pens made from all manner of materials, there is no limitation, only your imagination .

You see what I'm getting at? :devil:


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
In this case I think you will find this person is not a turner let alone pen turner nor does they know what it is worth or costs to create.
look at sellers other items and judge for yourself init?


Mar 13, 2014
First Name
I went down the local tip last week and there was loads of wood going begging, old furniture, fence posts, work tops and all manner of waste wood. All for free.
Your tip is better than the ones around here the Eamonn. Absolutely no way they will let you take anything :rolling:


Full Member
Oct 14, 2014
First Name
If you are not prepared to buy in bulk then continue to spend allot of money on kits, blanks and cases.

If you get down to the local petrol station and buy a bag of hardwood logs you could make allot of pens out of then and it wouldn't cost much above 20p for the blank, that is one area you could save on. But then again you would be buying bulk wouldn't you..

As you can see that is one area where anyone can save on, even if they buy all the kit and the cases at your prices they could easily get a chunk of wood and spin it up to knock out a pen.

I went down the local tip last week and there was loads of wood going begging, old furniture, fence posts, work tops and all manner of waste wood. All for free.:thumbs:

Trust me I have seen pens made from all manner of materials, there is no limitation, only your imagination .

You see what I'm getting at? :devil:

I fully understand about the blanks and have made pens from aquatic sand before ( see a previous post of mine ) but the only bulk buys for pen kits I can find are for £250 or £500 which I don't want to layout in one go . I make my own acrylic blanks for special one of pens to suit what I am asked for ( I am doing a toffee / fudge one at the moment )but where do I get cheap pen kits.

Is this what people are spending on pen kits or is ther acheaper source that I am ignorant to ?

I thank you very much for your information and ideas Silver


May 1, 2014
Narrowboat dweller Willington, Derby
First Name
I fully understand about the blanks and have made pens from aquatic sand before ( see a previous post of mine ) but the only bulk buys for pen kits I can find are for £250 or £500 which I don't want to layout in one go . I make my own acrylic blanks for special one of pens to suit what I am asked for ( I am doing a toffee / fudge one at the moment )but where do I get cheap pen kits.

Is this what people are spending on pen kits or is ther acheaper source that I am ignorant to ?

I thank you very much for your information and ideas Silver
Which kits are you referring to?


Full Member
Oct 14, 2014
First Name
Which kits are you referring to?

any kits Ray. I do a selection of pens and don't want to be tied to £250 of slimlines.
I normally buy in 5 or 10 quantites is this my problem ? I also buy single pens for special occasions these I expect will be more expensive.

The person selling the pen on ebay for £2 with a plastic case must make a loss as most pen kits are costing me around £2 for the cheapest.
What do others pay for kits and where from?



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
any kits Ray. I do a selection of pens and don't want to be tied to £250 of slimlines.
I normally buy in 5 or 10 quantites is this my problem ? I also buy single pens for special occasions these I expect will be more expensive.

The person selling the pen on ebay for £2 with a plastic case must make a loss as most pen kits are costing me around £2 for the cheapest.
What do others pay for kits and where from?


Depending on how much you want to spend Steve, you can look here .. But you could be hit with high postage and duty ..

You will have to sign up by the way to get to the goodies ..


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
The person selling the pen on ebay for £2 with a plastic case must make a loss as most pen kits are costing me around £2 for the cheapest.
What do others pay for kits and where from?

Even a bulk buy will not get you a pen kit, blank and case for £2.00 anywhere irrespective of quality, unless it was you who bought that one.

Wake up and smell the Coffee init?


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name
I fully understand about the blanks and have made pens from aquatic sand before ( see a previous post of mine ) but the only bulk buys for pen kits I can find are for £250 or £500 which I don't want to layout in one go . I make my own acrylic blanks for special one of pens to suit what I am asked for ( I am doing a toffee / fudge one at the moment )but where do I get cheap pen kits.

Is this what people are spending on pen kits or is ther acheaper source that I am ignorant to ?

I thank you very much for your information and ideas Silver

You can get slimlines for around 80p and streamline for around £1 from Timberbits, postage is around £2.60 unless you spend more to get free postage. They do plastic cases for about 40p, but I think you pay more for postage.



May 1, 2014
Narrowboat dweller Willington, Derby
First Name
As Peter said, Timberbits are hard to beat for most kits with the exchange rate the way it is. Just don't go too mad, order just over the $200 mark for free express delivery. That'll cost you a shade over £100 and for slimlines or streamlines you'll get 80 or so kits. If that isn't enough kits put in multiple orders for $200. The exchange rate at the mo is about $1.85 to the £


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
I fully understand about the blanks and have made pens from aquatic sand before ( see a previous post of mine ) but the only bulk buys for pen kits I can find are for £250 or £500 which I don't want to layout in one go . I make my own acrylic blanks for special one of pens to suit what I am asked for ( I am doing a toffee / fudge one at the moment )but where do I get cheap pen kits.

Is this what people are spending on pen kits or is ther acheaper source that I am ignorant to ?

I thank you very much for your information and ideas Silver

As Peter has identified, you can get the kit and case for around 1.20. But to buy cheaper you will need to buy in bulk to get the discounts. Jim has also identified a good site for you, I used to buy from them a few years ago but not had any for a long while.

But don't get hung up in the one selling for £2, you don't know the circumstances. they are probably making £2 on his kits, especially if he has had the bits given to him as a present and may not realise what they are worth. If they do then they might just want the pennies in their pocket.

What I am also saying is you could make pens for the same price if you buy from the places identified above and be shrewd on what you make it with..

I agree you won't be making much money, maybe break even or loosing money if you took all the wear and tear, electric and everything else In to consideration. But some people don't need to make £££££££ they just want a hobby and something to get up and do in the morning.:thumbs:

But remember, cheap pen kits will always be cheap pen kits, that is what you will be measured on when you sell them.

any body can make and sell cheap pens cheaply, but make quality pen at a fair price is the way to go. Don't get hung up on what others are charging.
Last edited:


Dec 17, 2013
First Name
All great advice given.

I've had my own business for 18 years after managing for others most of my previous working life and learned very quickly that no matter what you produce or sell, there will always be someone who will undercut you.

I did the opposite with my business (construction) and concentrated on giving quality work, personal attention and flexibility. I turned down anything and anyone that I felt would compromise that even though I needed that work sometimes I rapidly built a customer base who trusted me. I always charged a fair price and stuck to it - no haggling - take it or leave it and have done many fairly large jobs without giving even an estimate as they know I won't rip them off.

Think about it! if you're having an extension, new kitchen or bathroom you're going to get several estimates. If you take the cheapest you're an idiot, 99% take one somewhere in the middle. Unless you've money to burn and take the extortionate one 'cos if you buy cheap there will be cut corners. The same principle applies to most things.

I don't need to sell my pens but do when asked or an opportunity arises. I'm slowly building a website as I've been "encouraged" to so do and my missus sells quite a few. My slimlines go for £15 and imo are worth that. Most people don't want "cheap", they want value for money and if you sell on ebay for a fiver, I bet a number of those purchases go missing in the post, 'cos that's the calibre of buyers you're attracting! Buying at that price makes them a disposable item, do you really want your carefully created masterpiece to be chucked in a bin when the refill runs out? I don't!

Your sales might build slowly but your reputation will spread and when customers realise their purchase isn't going to fall apart in a few days they'll buy again and pass the word around then your problems will be finding time to make them.

Concentrate on producing a quality finish, use felt pouches or none at all and present your product as unique. Let the cheapo sellers get on with it for whatever their reasons and get a reasonable return for your endeavours.

Btw, I bought 250 of those cases a few months ago and will probably chuck some on to Neils auction so there to bid if you want some.
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