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Hand made pens on ebay, how much?


grave manibus faciendum
Oct 7, 2013
First Name
I am 100% with you there Bob, I have done quite a few craft shows now and usually there is someone there that turns a bit and makes pens. They usually sell them for about £8 and I don't mind them being there one bit. I sell my cheapest pen for £14.99 and after looking at the £8 ones more often than not come and buy from me which gives me a buzz, most people like quality nowadas :thumbs:

With regards to building I'm also with you and the builder that built my house was a local with a good reputation. I never had a single piece of paper work from him and paid him when he asked. The build quality is superb and the price wasn't much more than what someone who I knew would have ripped me off quoted for. For this to work you need someone that you trust and unfortunately most people don't know someone like that when they want building work done.


Dec 17, 2013
First Name
I am 100% with you there Bob, I have done quite a few craft shows now and usually there is someone there that turns a bit and makes pens. They usually sell them for about £8 and I don't mind them being there one bit. I sell my cheapest pen for £14.99 and after looking at the £8 ones more often than not come and buy from me which gives me a buzz, most people like quality nowadas :thumbs:

With regards to building I'm also with you and the builder that built my house was a local with a good reputation. I never had a single piece of paper work from him and paid him when he asked. The build quality is superb and the price wasn't much more than what someone who I knew would have ripped me off quoted for. For this to work you need someone that you trust and unfortunately most people don't know someone like that when they want building work done.

:funny::funny: I've just posted a barn i built and she's pestering me to convert to a house. I'll post a thread 'cos she's offered an unusual deal but I'm still retiring - bugger it!:nonono:


Jul 29, 2013
I as at a country show yesterday, I saw one of the circuit board pens in clear acrylic,nicely turned,nicely presented on the stall....cost......£49:00, now that's a profit.
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