I am commenting on this question not because I know but because I want to know...
...What does interest me greatly is finding out which kits are high quality. I asked this question in another thread, but nobody really answered it.
...It would save me and others from wasting money on poor quality products if some of the more experienced contributors here would name some kits that they regard as high quality and tell us why they think so.
I understand where you are coming from Bob, but you are going through the same journey as the rest of us, in that you are discovering for yourself which kits are better than others, which is the best way because it IS subjective.
However, to give you some pointers and to save you some money, I can tell you this. I make more pens than most people here, and less than some - it's what puts the food on the table in this household. There are a confusing number of kits out there, many of which share the same name, and many of which superficially share the same appearance but have a different name. Completely forgetting about any kit that can be imported from the US or Australia, you are limited to a handful of suppliers in the UK. That handful can be broadly split in to two groups. The first group, which includes the majority (but not all) ebay traders, buy their kits from one of two sources in China, and sell them for more than they paid for them. In the main, (and I emphasise that this is my personal opinion), they are not very good quality. The quality is not good because they have poor plating, poor mechanisms, poor tolerances, poor quality etchings (if it exists) and so on.
The other group generally have their kits made for them, not just buy off the shelf kits to flog at a marked up price, and in the main (with the possible exception of Axminster, whose catalogue features an awful lot of those chinese kits, with one or two others thrown in) they are made for them in Taiwan. Whilst still the republic of China, there is a world of difference between mainland chinese kits and taiwanese kits
Here is one example - a sierra. Buy a sierra off ebay and buy one from Turners retreat. I guarantee that the ebay kit is chinese and the TR kit is taiwanese. Superficially they look the same. But compare the etching on the centreband, the mechanism, the plating, the enamelling, the finishing, the ease with which they go together and so on. They are worlds apart. But pay particular attention to the etching - its a pretty good identifier of chinese kits from a catalogue of website image. You can spot a chinese kit a mile off if it features some etching.
So, for myself, I avoid kits made in China, but Taiwan is a good starting point. I happen to think that a lot of the TR kits are good quality, their sierras included. Their slimlines are good too (the refill does not disappear inside the pen whilst you're writing with it, which is not necessarily true of chinese slimlines) as are their barons and, sedonas, gents classics and a few more. In the interests of completeness, they do also have some kits which I don't think are very good, to the point that I have returned them before now for a refund.
Dans zetas and epsilons are very good too (also Taiwanese) and his omega now has quite a large market share.
I will probably be in trouble for some of the statements I've made, because, to give another example, I know for instance that an extremely popular kit is the Jr Gent, available from all sorts of places and made in China. There are variations made in taiwan but they tend to be called something in addition to Jr Gent, such as Artisan Jr Gent, or Jr Gent II, or Gents Classic, but the ordinary Jr is, as I say, chinese and popular. Why is it popular? I have no ideas whatsoever, because it is no more than a poor mans baron and it shows, but it demonstrates that there are as many different opinions about kits as there are penturners. Therefore, although you would dearly love some recommendations and pointers, and I
have given you some, the very best way to sort the wheat from the chaff is by trial and error for yourself.
I hope that helps.