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High End kits


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
food for thought but I for one am not that much wiser

In general Vic, if someone advertises as "high end pen kit" don't believe it.

As Grunp eluded too, in general the higher price means all you are paying for is design right to the likes of "Broadwell" and the original designers. And a little bit thicker coating, that you or I would not be able to assess.

So if someone said its thicker plating, ask them to prove it.

Also the word "premium plating" needs to be viewed with the same contempt as high end.

The titanium and rhodium are more expansive, just because that metal is more expensive (allegedly :devil:) for how much metal is on the pen kit in the first place it doesn't warrant the high hike in price.

However we are in a "price matters" world so it will always be the debate..

The only issue I see is that you, me and the big wide world will have a different opinion and vision on what we call good quality. That will never change.

Glad you came back in Silver was worried when you spat the pacifier


That wasn't my Dummy hitting the floor Peter, that was just dispare.:wink:


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
I understand despair, Wilma came to me after I said how sad it was for you when you were trying so hard I was in despair her advice was for me you have to stop trying to save the world, passing it on Eamonn.

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