A quick how to, for those who are unsure or think they can't do a closed end pen without special kit.
first select a nice straight blank, grip it in your chuck and mark the middle for drilling.

Drill the hole and glue the tube in, bear in mind how deep you want to go with your drilling this is an Omega fountain so the pump is longer than the tube, it settles inside the finial which we are not using but need to allow for it with the depth of drill.
poor pic but the marks are inside the red square.
Not necessary to use the bush but most of you will so I have for the pics, bring the tailstock to the bush with only light pressure just to stop the blank flexing while spinning.

Shape the blank to your desire, sand and polish to finish then part off and finish the part by hand, simples init?

This is still a work in progress, as you can see the wood is riddled so the top part is still on the lathe soaking in CA init?

I'll finish that tomorrow and show the end result.
first select a nice straight blank, grip it in your chuck and mark the middle for drilling.

Drill the hole and glue the tube in, bear in mind how deep you want to go with your drilling this is an Omega fountain so the pump is longer than the tube, it settles inside the finial which we are not using but need to allow for it with the depth of drill.
poor pic but the marks are inside the red square.
Not necessary to use the bush but most of you will so I have for the pics, bring the tailstock to the bush with only light pressure just to stop the blank flexing while spinning.

Shape the blank to your desire, sand and polish to finish then part off and finish the part by hand, simples init?

This is still a work in progress, as you can see the wood is riddled so the top part is still on the lathe soaking in CA init?

I'll finish that tomorrow and show the end result.