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Playing around with a new backdrop and Photoshop !!


Chairman Plonker
Executive Member
Jan 31, 2013
An exile Geordie living in Kingston upon Hull
First Name
Terry, I am grateful that you have shown us your pen the presentation is superb the pen would hold its own in any company later today everything willing I hope to complete some pens after quite a break enforced by sheer pressures from all directions. When I share my pens a proficiency in advanced computer techniques is the furthest thought from my mind, no doubt you will stir the advancement of images.

The dark background is superb and the placement of the pen and parts to be highly commended, reflecting on all our past experiences in turning, presentation and sharing the forum is changing I look forward to the new frontiers, thanks for showing one of them.

Kind regards Peter.:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

Thanks Peter and I am looking forward to seeing some of your beautiful pens again !!!:thumbs:


grave manibus faciendum
Oct 7, 2013
First Name
It seems to have broken up the edges of the text, perhaps it needs to be in bold to hold the edge or a different font.


Yeah, its not that good now but I was only playing, I'll let Terry play with photoshop to do what he wants with it and I agree that its a bit busy now but it just shows Terry what he can do with Photoshop... another learning curve that if it goes the same way as his photography, he'll be putting pens on the front of Vogue in no time. :thumbs:


Chairman Plonker
Executive Member
Jan 31, 2013
An exile Geordie living in Kingston upon Hull
First Name
Yeah, its not that good now but I was only playing, I'll let Terry play with photoshop to do what he wants with it and I agree that its a bit busy now but it just shows Terry what he can do with Photoshop... another learning curve that if it goes the same way as his photography, he'll be putting pens on the front of Vogue in no time. :thumbs:

Thank you kind sir !!!! LOL:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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