Hi Brian
Great thread, I've read every post with interest.
I hadn't voted until a few minutes ago as I really don't like any of the kits and probably wouldn't buy them as far too much bling for my taste. I showed them to my missus and she was of similar mind.
I hadn't realised until I saw your post that a blingless version of the RH is available and could be tempted to try that one so maybe not a valid reason but the only one I have accepting my lack of experience with the kits.
You're not living up to your name BTW as I think your arguments are presented in an articulate manner and not at all "grumpy"
keep 'em coming
Great thread, I've read every post with interest.
I hadn't voted until a few minutes ago as I really don't like any of the kits and probably wouldn't buy them as far too much bling for my taste. I showed them to my missus and she was of similar mind.
I hadn't realised until I saw your post that a blingless version of the RH is available and could be tempted to try that one so maybe not a valid reason but the only one I have accepting my lack of experience with the kits.
You're not living up to your name BTW as I think your arguments are presented in an articulate manner and not at all "grumpy"
keep 'em coming